I haven’t been very active on this blog for the last couple of years. I’m attempting to change that. What better way than to start the #100DaysOfCode Twitter challenge. That’s right, I’m officially committing to code for at least an hour a day for the next 100 (ish) days. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please visit the official #100DaysOfCode page here.
I say “ish” because while I’m not officially a developer in my day job, I write code there more often than not these days and because I have a family, I’m not going to force myself to take time away from them on the weekends.
The Plan
My plan is to create a dashboard project to represent a bunch of fake data with focus on clean UI, custom CSS widgets, and knockoutjs components. The data will initially come from JSONPlaceholder. Later on, I’d like to build a .Net back-end and host the data API myself. I will also write up a blog post for every day that I write code. At the end of the 100 days, it could be a very useful series of posts on building an application from scratch.
If I finish this project way before the 100 day mark, I’ll just come up with another project to write. I really like charts and graphs so coming up with an excuse to use ChartJS should be really easy…
I’ve broken the project down into 20 weeks (5 days per week * 20 weeks = 100 days). On each week, I will have my planned activities for each day. If you look at the Trello Board, you’ll see that I’ve only got a couple of weeks planned so far, but as the project progresses and I get a feel for how it’s going, I’ll adjust and add accordingly.
#100DaysOfCode Project Tracking
To detail what I’m going to be doing and keep me on task, I have created a few documents that should explain everything.
Let’s give it a shot
Wish me luck. #100DaysOfCode