Stay organized with Trello
Gotta have goals:
When working on a project, be it a programming project, a school project, even a work project, organization is paramount. If you know me, you’re probably laughing right now, but seriously, the number one way to fail at a project is to never get it done. Duh, right?
What’s the best way to get a project done? Create a list of everything that needs to be done and do it. I don’t know about you but when I check things off my to-do list, it feels pretty good and helps me feel like I’m actually accomplishing something. It’s so easy to start something with a ton of ideas in your head but as the days turn into weeks and then months of work, it’s easy to lose your motivation because it can feel like you’ve spent all this time working on something but you just can’t seem to get it done. USE A LIST.
It’s 2017, don’t write it please…
Ok, I don’t mean a pen-and-paper list, nor do I mean a notepad document on your desktop. I mean, it’s 2017 right? Go to and create an account. There are a ton of other applications like this one as well that you can search for. I’m sure they all work pretty well, but Trello has been recommended to me by several people and I would highly recommend it as well. I even use it to manage my post ideas for this blog. (Shoutout to John Sonmez over at for recommending it for that purpose)
Trello is easy, I promise:
Trello is a VERY simple application to use. Once you login and all that jazz, you’re greeted with a blank board and a few default lists. You can edit them as much as you want, change colors, change the background of the board, invite other Trello users to join your team if you’re working on a large project, and quite a bit of other stuff. Anyway, I guess the most important information is what it actually does? In case you haven’t guessed it yet, you click the add button on one of your lists, type in some text to represent your agenda item, save it and repeat. You can also move items to other lists as well. That’s good for when you FINALLY get to move something from your to-do list to your to-done list….
Alright, I’ll keep this post short. Thanks for reading! As always, leave a comment or head over to the forums if you have questions about this post