I’m Tyler. This is a learner’s blog for ASP.NET C#.
About Me:
My name is Tyler
I figured it was the right time to start a blog. It makes me feel a little bit more entrepreneury, if nothing else. Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve been learning how to write code in my spare time (this is why the blog is called, because I’m not…um…a pro yet. Think about it … … … it’s funny to me ok?)
I should mention that I’ve actually been writing some sort of code since I was 15. I’m 27 as of the time of this writing so that’s what, 12 years? I started with standard HTML, back when Yahoo GeoCities were still a thing. (Those were dark times, dark times indeed). I finally had a little success with some Flash games in the late 2000s, but as we all know, Flash is long dead, and should probably stay that way, even if it pains me to say that. Hey, I spent a lot of time learning AS2 ok? So where does that leave me coding-wise? Well, I’ll tell you. The only real coding I did after my endeavor with Flash was for school. Ya know, algorithms, data structures in C/C++ and OOP programming in Java which is pretty close to c# I guess. Unfortunately, as most college classes go, at least where I went to school, these were rudimentary introductions to the languages at best. The Java class was a little better, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, outside of school, it was really hard for me to sit down and write code because I couldn’t find a purpose for it and I didn’t have the time to dig deeper and learn how to write GUIs in those languages. My life would have been drastically different during those days if I had known about ASP.NET and C#.
Why the blog?
Specifically, I’m focusing on ASP.NET MVC along with CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, Bootstrap, and JQuery (ya know, all the languages that Visual Studio all but requires you to learn to write Web Apps with .NET, but I digress). I might make room for some other frameworks that I come across as well, but for now, there’s already enough on my plate. I’m making this blog to document my learning process for all the above languages and frameworks. I figure that it will help keep me motivated and I can share my experiences with others who might be trying to learn all this stuff. It took me quite a while to wade through all of the unimportant stuff that I shouldn’t have worried about until later, so I’d like to help even newer newbies through that if I can. It also serves as a sounding board for me to put my code out there for others to tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’ve come to realize that I can figure out how to do just about anything with enough stackoverflow searches, BUT that doesn’t always mean that I end up down the correct rabbit hole and I’ll be honest, I feel like some of the things I do are pretty hacky. I know everyone has to do that from time to time, and that’s ok. However, if there’s a better way to achieve what I’m trying to, I want someone to call me stupid and tell me what I’m doing wrong, ya know?
I believe that’s enough for a first post, don’t you?
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next one!